Websites For Peace

Ironically, the entities that most need websites those NGO's, individuals and organizations that devote themselves to peacebuilding and sustainability are the entities that rarely have them. We are all familiar with the larger non-profit organizations here in the United States who have a tremendous web presence. As such, they are able to attract donations from willing individuals and foundations from all over the world on the basis that information is readily available and with the click of a donate button and a link to PayPal, they can receive assistance. In this day and age, an NGO or well-established grass-roots organization on the ground in a developing country, is often isolated from the sources in the West most likely to be able to contribute to a worthy cause. Websites for Peace is a grant-funded program that provides these entities with a website so that the work they are doing can be show-cased in a manner that will bring attention, funds, and volunteers to support their endeavors.